Tuesday, April 01, 2008

day #2 of better eating...

man this is getting tiring - starting over on good eating...
why can't this be just something that i do anyway? why does it have to be such a friggin struggle?????
yesterday was good, no extra snacking, no bad choices, stayed on plan with my food....today has started off well and my plan is to continue on track again....
i guess i have to get to the point where eating "right" isn't a choice but more of just what i do....talking to Kim at JC last week was kinda enlightening, i have never just eaten to be right where i am - i have never been at a goal where i could start maintaining my weight - that is laughable because i have always eaten to lose or just eaten because i didnt care where i was or actually because i was just being where i was (not happily - more defeated really)

being a better person by making good choices with what i put in my mouth will honestly be a struggle i think i will have to make for the rest of my life - even when i get to my goal (and i am saying WHEN, even though i often feel IF!!)

i will still have to continue to be on guard with everything - won't I??? will it eventually just get to the point where i just know what to eat and what not to eat to keep me where i want to be????? i suppose that is the ultimate goal - knowing and doing are TWO very different things....i know i need to do this - so i guess i'll just DO IT!!!!


Melissa said...

It's difficult to make the right choices and it takes time. There were a LOT of nights of chicken and steamed veggies for me. A LOT. And it was boring and it sucked, but having everyone else eat the same thing helped.

And, when I don't eat the right way, it all comes back...and I know exactly where it will come back to...my mid section.

YOU CAN DO IT! Do it for your kids so you will be there when they have kids of thier own...

And set goals for yourself (5lbs lost=manicure, etc.)

Anonymous said...

Denise, I am so proud of you for setting goals and sticking to them. Keep up the great work!!!
