Friday, July 31, 2009

a rant of sorts....Toddlers & Tiaras

i have already posted about this on facebook and gone "off" on my husband about it, but i just don't seem to be able to let it go......
there is this stupid show on TLC that just started it's second season called Toddlers and Tiaras and i for the life of me can not understand HOW/WHY the programming on this show is allowed on television let alone HOW/WHY these stupid parents are allowed to put their kids/daughters in this crap they call Pageant work....
i do not understand how a grown adult could dress their child like a stripper, hooker, whore, with a face full of makeup and hair up to the skies with trampy slutty outfits on doing sexy dance moves on a stage for a freakin tiara/crown/prize...
it infuriates me more and more even as i type this post....what are they thinking??? these girls look sooooooo awful and they could be soooo beautiful if they would be able to just grow, develop and be kids....4 year olds wearing more makeup and hairspray than i have ever even put on my face/hair in my 36+ years.....
okay i'm done, i'll let it go...i just dont get it and that is what bothers me the most...

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