Wednesday, April 01, 2009

another month has passed in 2009....

okay so it is officially april 1st. holy crap we are 1/3 of the way thru 2009. how can that be??? emma is 18 months and nick is 4 1/2 - seriously when did time start moving so quickly...

emma is saying more and more words everyday, including i love just melts my heart when i hear her say it...the other night i was laying with her at the condo getting her quiet before putting her in the pack n play for the night, i whispered to her, "i love you" and around her binkie she said it back to me, so i said it again, "i love you" and she said it back to me again, i kept saying it like 5 times just to see if she would keep saying it back to me and she did everytime.... it made me smile and tear up at the same time...what a big girl...oh and of course everytime we drive by a lake or a pond or a fountain, she says "WAAATERRRRR"

nick amazes me each day with how smart he is - mike and i laugh constantly at the things that he comes up with - while watching the lost world (Jurassic Park 2) last night he said, "they're going down!!!" about the dinosaurs taking out the people or the city or something, it was very funny...

i only have 5 more days of my 40 days without soda...can't say that i am not craving it but i can honestly say i have not had one sip, not one single sip of soda in the last 35 days...dont get me wrong i have momentary lapses where i have said WTF just get a soda, but i have not!!!! i'm looking forward to enjoying a big diet coke from a fountain when "my time is up" :) but i will not go back to being a REGULAR soda drinker as the whole purpose of me giving it up was to make better choices for my body....

1 comment:

Melissa said...

cute pics of the kids!
And, way to go on the soda kick...did it help you lose some extra weight?