Thursday, September 25, 2008

First Day Blues!!!!!

so my big big girl moved to the Starfish class on her 1st birthday....she was fine while i was sitting on the floor next to her but man, the second i even made a move to get up to go, she busted out dear husband the family paparazzi, snapped this lovely shot to record the memory of my sweet girl on her first day in her new class....i left her shortly after this and she looked pretty much the same....thankfully over the next 2-3 days it got much better and she is now finishing her 2nd week in there and doing fine, she fusses when i leave in the morning still a bit but nothing like the first few days.....and her activity in the room throughout the day is crazy, she is all over the place finding stuff to do.....what a big big girl she is....

1 comment:

Melissa said...

oh, that is just the saddest picture....but, i'm glad she's doing better :)